March 23, 2025

7 Blogging Secrets Could Have Changed My Life (If I Knew 5 Years Back)

Bloggers learn every day.

It’s true.

If, in case, my life goes 5 years back, the first thing I would do is make a proper plan for my blogging—The very same plan which I understand today after 5 years of blogging.

The plan which I wish I could have made 5 years back.

I admit. I made mistakes. All bloggers do. That’s how we improve.

I believe in learning. And I also believe in a simple strategy:

Learn. Adopt. Deliver. Analyze.

Yes, I should’ve done something different, I should’ve learnt lots of things which other probloggers used to do. Probably, I wasn’t aware of my own strategy of success in blogging.

When I realized and thought about this formula, the same day I turned to a learner.

But that’s okay!

One shouldn’t be worried about the past. We can’t change it.

What we can change is our future. Keeping the past mistakes of blogging in my mind I’m going to tell you 7 secrets in this blog post—Those secrets are part of my blogging strategy and I’m incredibly happy with my current plan.

In this blog post, I’ll share it with you.

But before sharing those secrets of blogging and recipe of spicy results, I need you to remember three things which you always have to apply in your blogging in order to get success, and those three things are:

1. Reading Others Content

Reading others content is one of the things that make bloggers aware about the trends. Make yourself ready to adopt the positives of the others. Learning and adaption help you to get better in blogging.

2. Solve Readers Problems

While creating your blog’s content, keep the core purpose in mind which should be solving the readers problems. No matter what you say or do for them, if readers aren’t getting benefit from your content, it’s not worth it.

3. Engage Audience Everywhere

Make audience motivated to check your blog posts. Use every possible platform and medium to attract people to check your blog. From referring an old blog post to sharing an examplementioning a friend in your blog post to adding others’ blog’s links , all these strategies are engagement stunts.

Now take a look at 7 Blogging Secrets that could have changed my life:

Secret #1: Come with a Definitive Solution for Readers

I didn’t know this. I admit it.

I remember I used to create a lot of content on my blogging tips niche blog and more or less 20% of total content of mine used to impress others…

I kept on going that way, because I didn’t know that readers want solutions.

You have to research and find what are their problems to address those problems in your content.

Take a look at the Scott Tousley’s article on SideKick blog HubSpot. He is a growth marketer at Sidekick. He came up with an impressive title in this article adding curiosity for almost every type of visitors, because some of them might want to know what is Reese, some of the readers might want to know how to make a to-do list like Scott and many of us might want to know that what Scott just manages to offer in this article.

Secret #2 :Every Sentence Should Increase the Thirst of Readers

Once a reader comes to your blog post, he/she should never stop reading until he/she finishes the content. This can only be possible when you are hitting the right tribe with right piece of information.

And more importantly you should know how to do it.

credit: marketingprofs/junta24

A study conducted by MarketingProfs and Junta24 on Content Marketing Challenges which says 36% people responded and picked ‘Creation of Engaging Content’ as their biggest content marketing challenge.

When every sentence gives something new, useful and acceptable, readers stick to the article to explore more…

You keep offering them something interesting, and they will stick around.

Secret #3: Share Tools and Useful Websites to Help Readers

It’s a fact that readers love web resources because these resources help them to find new websites. They might start using those websites. They might find their next favorite online tool.

That’s why readers want to check new online tools and websites.

I use MailChimp for newsletter, when I started sharing useful tools with my newsletter subscribers, I observed an increase in open-rate. You can try with Aweber or SendinBlue to start your Email Marketing.

Secret #4: Find the Relevant Communities to Hangout

Communities help you to build following. Try to find the relevant communities to meet likeminded people. Not only it helps you to get attention, but also to make your blog’s face popular.

Google+ Communities, Facebook Groups and Twitter lists are different forms of community building. Don’t focus on the number of communities to join. I would rather try to be consistent and helpful, then aggressively march towards joining the new communities.

Secret #5: Respect Others Work Develop Relationships

Respect makes people attentive towards you. It doesn’t mean you have to write long-emails for praising someone. It can be an authentic and well-written comment or just a small email saying the right things briefly.

Give value to others hard work either by sharing on social media or just linking back to their content—This is how your PR and Relationships will go to the next level.

When I mentioned Wishpond along with other big brands as one of the best onlines, they noticed and favorited my tweet. No matter what it takes to help or praise someone who deserves it, you should do it.

Secret #6: Sticking to the Niche to Become Authority

Niche Blogging is one of the lessons that I learned in Blogging. I used to diversify a lot. When I started off blogging back in 2008, I’ve got different sports blogs to run and manage… I was enjoying PPC earning through my sports blog and had no idea beyond that…

Later on I started writing a Blogging tips blog  of mine. It made a huge shift in my blogging strategy. I kept on going with sports blogs, and really had no idea what to follow-up and what to leave out.

Darren Rowse of emphasis for Pro-bloggers to stick with the niche to become authority. He is an authoritative blogger and explained the niche-selection process in this article.

And I liked it.

Secret #7: Start Developing a Product

If you don’t have a product of your own, maybe, one day when you’ll be halfway through the race and rushing towards the success, you’ll realize that you’re the expert, you learn thing, you teach people and you’re still missing something…

That gap might have been avoided, if you would’ve a product of your own.

Maybe, it’s just a start. You’re going to launch your blog or you’re in the early stage after launching your blog, but keeping that (product of your own) thing in your mind won’t make you off the track. So remember this.

What is that Product actually?

Good Question!

A product of your own means something you create to sell or offer as a paid service.

Probably you’re expert on something, whatever you think you can help others while selling your consultancy or an online product, you should do it along with your blogging. Why don’t you use your Blog as a Channel to sell a similar type of service?

You can be an online tutor to teach students or sell your online consultancy through your blog, not only you would add more exposure for your blog, but also an extra income stream as well.

It doesn’t matter if you immediately can’t reach to any decision about the product of your own – It’s always difficult to plan a product to sell. When you spend some time in the blogsphere, you’d meet many other probloggers, you’d see many possibilities (to make money) and you’d find bloggers doing innovative things on their blogs to make money.

Yes, I think now that I should’ve learnt this strategy early own. Ebooks and Freebies are everywhere. Every blogger does that. Make something different. Something unique, yet helpful for readers.

Your Part

It’s your turn to tell me. You have to share something secretive with me.

There will be new and experienced bloggers going to read this post. It’s time to tell them something you really know.

What’s that thing which you realized later on and added to your blogging strategy?

Just one thing. Tell me.

As the Founder of and, Mohammed Anzil has demonstrated an unmatched passion for keeping readers informed about the latest Social Media, Android developments and innovations. Their keen insights and in-depth knowledge have made them a trusted source for tech enthusiasts worldwide.