February 24, 2025

How to Find Long Tail Keywords? Here is the 6 Effective Ways

Tail Keywords For every successful website, say one that runs a PPC program, long-tail keywords is most likely a part of the strategy. Long-tail keywords is a term used to refer to any search query that consists of more than 3 words. Long-tail keywords often have low cost-per-clicks as well as low search volume, yet many companies running PPC campaigns tend to overlook them.

Even though individual words contained in long-tail keywords don’t have a significant impact on PPC programs, when measured in aggregate form, they have a potential of transforming results by lowering Cost-Per-Head and Cost-Per-Click thus increasing click-through-rates as well as the overall quality score.

Now, how do you find long-tail keywords? There are many ways to do that. Here are 6 ideas that will help you start building long-tail keywords for your online business:

1) Running a Search Query Report

If you’ve been running an Adword campaign, you can easily access search query reports for the previous months. What you’ll get are the results of all the terms that your ads showed up for. Secondly, you’ll get terms that you already don’t have in your account. It’s the most effective way of building your list for long-tail keywords since the results come directly from real users in regards to your campaign. If you want to make the most out of search query reports, run them at least once every month and take note of all the new terms you don’t have in your account.

2) Localize Those Keywords

The best way to do this is to append all your keywords with the name of your country, city, town, village etc. For instance, if your keyword was ”cooking class” and your town was Boston, you could say–”Boston cooking class” or something related to that. Your main focus should be on search queries that users search for in your locality.

3) Add Qualifying Terms

Use qualifying terms with your keywords together. If you sell shoes for example, you could add colors, gender, style and size to your keywords. If the root query was ”boots”, categorize your keywords into themes and columns and start with the root term ”boots”. In the column section, include the colors of the boots available. dedicate another column for the style of the shoes you are selling. Add as many columns as possible and then run a summary of all the root terms you’ve appended to all qualifying keywords.

4) Competitor Keyword Report

Tools such as keyword Spy lets you know which terms your competitors are bidding on. Using this technique, you can identify other ”long-tail” opportunities you are not utilizing. There are two things you are likely to find; Either you’ll notice that they are ignoring long-tail keywords, or they are just focusing on certain local areas that’s worth testing as well. However, ensure that you use other search engines besides Google because these still account for 20% of all the searches in the U.S.

5) Find Out what Specific Terms Visitors Use to Arrive at Your Site

This is where a search box comes handy. This feature, when installed on your website, will allow you to monitor which terms visitors used to locate your site.

If you use HubSpot for example, you can find this data by setting up a Google custom or site search box, and this can be installed by a HubSpot Service Provider. You’ll be surprised that visitors are very specific on what they search for online. These searches range from geo-focused, or sometimes they are put in the form of questions, geared towards a particular product/service. This data represents the exact queries that visitors searched for to land onto your website. So you can take advantage of that information for the benefit of your business.

6) Analyze Organic Search Referral Traffic

Always stay updated with traffic from organic search referrals. Even though Google recently updated their system regarding encrypted searches, the new order means that you won’t be able to trace the exact keywords that people searched on Google to arrive at your website. That’s so unfortunate.

You can’t penetrate a competitive market and succeed without focusing on long-tail keywords. If you are just starting out, you might find that ranking your business well for competitive keywords is a challenge. You need to learn how to dwell on specific and less competitive keywords that will make your website effective. Use the 6 effective ways to identify long-tail keywords above.

As the Founder of SocialPositives.com and AndroidConnections.com, Mohammed Anzil has demonstrated an unmatched passion for keeping readers informed about the latest Social Media, Android developments and innovations. Their keen insights and in-depth knowledge have made them a trusted source for tech enthusiasts worldwide.