February 24, 2025

Simple Method to Uninstall Google Drive from your Mac

Uninstall Google Drive from Mac – Are you really want to know How to Uninstall Google Drive from your Mac? You reached the right place. Today we writing the post that can help you to remove Google Drive from your device.

Before removing Google drive from your Mac, please note that you are removing one of the world’s best productivity service ever made.

Google Drive is not just a place to store your files, but a great collaboration tool that lets you share Docs, Spreadsheets, Images, etc.

Still you to uninstall Google drive from your Mac? Let’s check this tutorial.

Remove Google Drive from Mac

This is really simple and anyone with basic knowledge can easily remove an application from Mac.

1. Go to the Application Folder

2. Click and Hold Google Drive

3. Drag to the Google Drive icon to the Trash

4. Ctrl+click on the Trash icon and select “Empty Trash”.

That’s it you have successfully removed Google Drive from Mac. Here, you just removed Google drive from you Mac and its extra files remain on the computer and its wasting your system space.

Delete Google Drive Manually

This is not a recommended method if you are not familiar with the deleting files from Mac manually because it’s to guarantee that you will uninstall all the files. This manual method helps you to delete all that extra files associated with Google Drive.

You know the file are usually stored in several folders.

1. ~/Library/Application Support/

2. ~/Library/Preferences/

Better to check these folders and delete the files related to Google Drive.

Uninstall Google Drive with CleanMyMac 3

You can download CleanMyMac 3 free application on your Mac and delete all unwanted apps from the system easily. CleanMyMac 3 is free to download.

1. Download CleanMyMac 3 on your Mac.

2. Launch CleanMyMac 3.

3. Click on Uninstaller in the menu bar.

4. Select Google Drive in the center part.

5. Select “Complete Removal”.

That’s it. You have successfully removed Google Drive from you Mac and their leftover pieces that wasting your space.

I think this post helps you to uninstall google drive from Mac easily.

As the Founder of SocialPositives.com and AndroidConnections.com, Mohammed Anzil has demonstrated an unmatched passion for keeping readers informed about the latest Social Media, Android developments and innovations. Their keen insights and in-depth knowledge have made them a trusted source for tech enthusiasts worldwide.