February 10, 2025

On The Subject Of SEO – Outsource or In-house?

You wouldn’t get your forklift driver on the customer service desk, and your intern might not make the greatest Managing Director. We all know that specialist role is just that, and when we try to wear one too many hats, disaster soon follows. In-house SEO can also be ill-advised, as the niche service operates at the whim of Google with some changes publicised, and others stumbled upon on the job. If you’re considering handing over the SEO reins to your in-house resource, here’s why you should take another look.

Outsourcing to an SEO Agency

You need only look at who’s holding the top spot for your keywords, and an SEO company like Digital Next will be behind the work. Having a dedicated team of SEO specialists working on your account, testing strategies and enhancing your content? Priceless. Not to mention all the time it frees up from your internal resources who are bumbling around in the backend. Any reputable SEO agency will be a Google Partner, which plugs them into the updates and advancements that Google is constantly serving up. Many businesses have found that they are competing for the wrong keywords, or are choosing the wrong domains to host their content. These blunders can significantly damage your ranking and can be quickly diagnosed and turned around by the right SEO agency.

In-house SEO Resources

It’s typically a decision based on money that results in SEO being brought in-house. A marketing manager has a lot of competing for marketing priorities on their plate, many of which are not in the digital landscape. Burdening your team with the heavyweight of SEO success may result in your strategy being pushed to the bottom of the priority list, or a simpler and less effective version being put into action. The perfect balance is seen when a marketing manager works closely with an SEO agency, feeding intel and polishing processes so that the SEO plan best represents the business. When pitching to an SEO agency, let them know that your internal marketing resources are ready to support initiatives and together you can create a seamless SEO front.

Less Reporting, more Optimising

It’s not the most glamorous part of the job, but reporting plays a key role in SEO. Without time to assess and recommend future direction, marketers are doomed to repeat mistakes and miss opportunities in a better-qualified audience. Working with an SEO agency will give you access to high level or deep reporting, which you can roll up to management. For an in-house team, it can seem like a pressure to even get the activity live, not to mention thoroughly reporting on success or learning. Get a seasoned specialist reporting on your business, and watch your conversions spike when the recommendations are put into action.

Enjoy the add-ons of an Agency

There are many agencies dominating in the SEO space, but that’s not to say that is their only offering. Your standard set-up will have an additional web developer and content writers, with premium agencies even having graphic designers and social media gurus. This allows you to explore those offerings in your account, and have them feed into your overall SEO strategy. While this factor may not be the defining quality you seek in an SEO agency, it’s always worth asking the question to see what else you can find under your SEO agencies roof.

It’s a consideration one could argue all day, but the proof is in the pudding. By simply starting an open dialogue with an SEO agency, the opportunities and recommendations will have you convinced that this is the best route to take your business. Allow your in-house team to excel with on-property initiatives, and put SEO into the hands of a reputable, results-driven SEO agency.

Author Bio – Nathan Elly is the branch manager at Digital Next, a full-service digital agency based in South Melbourne specialising in responsive Web design, SEO, PPC and social media marketing. He’s a passionate digital marketer specialising in business development and long-term strategy, with experience from a multitude of SEO disciplines combined into a role which supports and progresses online businesses.

As the Founder of SocialPositives.com and AndroidConnections.com, Mohammed Anzil has demonstrated an unmatched passion for keeping readers informed about the latest Social Media, Android developments and innovations. Their keen insights and in-depth knowledge have made them a trusted source for tech enthusiasts worldwide.